
What is Technical Intern Training Program (TITP)?

TITP is a talent exchange program wherein qualified candidates from India are sent to Japan for a period of 6 months to 5 years for on-the-job training. This initiative aims to encourage bilateral cooperation between India and Japan through the transfer of skills and expertise (on-the-job training) to deserving candidates.

In January 2018, the Ministry of Skills Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE) appointed the National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) to monitor TITP in India.

Toyota Kirloskar Motor Pvt. Ltd. (TKM) is a TITP-Sending Organisation (SO) approved by NSDC, MSDE, and the Organisation of Technical Intern Training (OTIT), Japan.

Japan is a favourable destination for skilled professions. Since August 2022, 424 Indian citizens have been sent to the country through TITP for employment in different sectors.

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What are the benefits of TITP?

1. Skillset training: Candidates are sent to Japan for a period of 6 months to 5 years for intensive training in their respective chosen domains. The candidates get a chance to experience Japanese quality management and innovation techniques in person.

2. Pre-departure training: This includes Japanese language coaching, Japanese lifestyle & culture and business etiquette orientation.

3. Attractive benefits: Along with accommodation and health insurance, commute expenses are also provided during training. Candidates also stand a chance of getting better and higher-paying jobs once they return to India.

4. Fully funded: Most major expenses such as accommodation and airway tickets are borne by the employer.

5. Personal development: Trainees get an opportunity to interact, learn, and work with people from different countries and cultures at the workplace. This not only aids their careers in the long run and also helps them in their personality development.

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Mandatory return to India

After completing the training in Japan, candidates are expected to return to their home country and utilize their acquired skills.

However, there is an exception. In 2019, Japan established a new status of residence called ‘Specified Skilled Worker (SSW)’. This allows specialists to get employment in Japan across 14 sectors. (For the latest updates on sectors, job categories, and related information, please visit:

Hence, if a TITP candidate gets a job in any of the 14 fields, then he/she is eligible for residing in Japan while working. Candidates must ensure that all regulations of Japan are followed. The SO will also have to ensure that NSDC is informed of such cases through proper protocols and documentation.

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Who can apply?

Typically, the SO is responsible for evaluating eligible applicants for this program. Only candidates who are Indian and above the age of 18 can apply.

After being successfully nominated, the candidate must undergo various pre-departure training programs that also include coaching in Japanese language proficiency. The applicant is also required to undergo a comprehensive medical examination.

Aspirants who perform well and pass level-4 equivalent or greater competency in the language assessment can move on to the next round. This will be an interview round with a Japanese corporate representative of their respective domain.

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What is the process?

The SO is responsible for overseeing the entire process of selecting, training, and sending candidates to Japan through TITP. The below workflow gives a brief overview of the process.

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